News about Support Market Entities-Stabilize Economic Growth

News about Support Market Entities-Stabilize Economic Growth

News about Support Market Entities :At present, the Longgang government has formulated and issued several measures to support market entities District. Rescue and stabilize economic growth in Longgang. Providing welfare and subsidies for the restoration of the market economy and living economy affected by the epidemic. This policy is valid until June 30, 2022!!!Good news on economic opening up

The policy has special subsidies for catering, accommodation, sports tourism, construction and other fields greatly affected by the epidemic. At the same time, all citizens have the opportunity to obtain a total of 20 million yuan of non threshold consumption vouchers.

I can’t understand this. After all, I have 20 million shares?

For the catering stores that have been included in the sealed off area and control area this year, you only need to review, verify and publicize the neighborhood office, and each store can directly receive a subsidy of 10000 yuan.

For small and micro enterprises in manufacturing and service industries and individual.

industrial and commercial households rented by state-owned properties, the welfare of Exempting the rent for three months and halving.

the rent for another three months is believed to be enjoyed by many enterprises and businesses. In addition, there are other policies, benefits and so on.News about Support Market Entities .
Specifically, first praise the government, and comrades can roughly understand the welfare.

of course, for the detailed Longgang children’s shoes we need, you can go to the Longgang District government to check the specific policies online.

Economic Growth and Oltre IL Giardino



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